Hosting arma 3 server
Hosting arma 3 server

  1. #Hosting arma 3 server install#
  2. #Hosting arma 3 server mod#
  3. #Hosting arma 3 server Pc#
  4. #Hosting arma 3 server simulator#

#Hosting arma 3 server mod#

The first thing to keep in mind is that going with the cheapest possible option is often not a very good idea because you might be missing out on key features, such as mod support. I had to learn the hard way that some hosting providers are much better than others, which is one of the main reasons why I wanted to write this article in the first place. A Few Things to Note About Hosting Providers Naturally, you do need to spend a bit of money to rent a server but probably not as much as you might expect because many providers offer affordable packages. You also don’t need to worry about maintenance because the hosting provider will take care of everything for you. Sure, your performance may still fluctuate due to the very nature of the game but at least you won’t need to spend any extra resources just to make sure that things are running smoothly for everybody on the server. The good news is that you won’t have to worry about most of those issues if you simply rent a server instead. I know I ranted quite a bit about Arma 3’s technical issues but that’s something that you’ll need to keep in mind before deciding to host your own server. This goes without saying but if your system struggles with running the game, then hosting a server is not a very good idea because it will affect everybody else’s experience as well. I found Arma 3 to be poorly optimized even in 2020 so you’ll have a difficult time getting smooth frame rates unless you own a very powerful PC. Unfortunately, the problems don’t end there. Actually hosting a server will eat up even more resources and, of course, you’ll need a significantly better rig if you want to host a modded server.

#Hosting arma 3 server Pc#

Those requirements may not seem that demanding in this day and age but keep in mind that you’ll need a PC with similar specs or better just to run the game at decent settings. The recommended specs for the game include an i5 CPU, 6 GB of RAM, and an Nvidia GTX 660 GPU or AMD equivalent. Hosting an Arma 3 server can be a bit of a headache. Renting an Arma 3 Server vs Hosting Your Own However, there is a better alternative to hosting your own server and that’s simply to rent one instead. Sounds like too much trouble? It certainly can be but it’s also a very rewarding experience.

#Hosting arma 3 server install#

That goes double if you also want to install large mods or allow other people to join your server. Creating your own Arma 3 server is easy and will let you learn things at your own pace without having to worry about other players.Īrma 3 tends to eat up a lot of resources so you’ll need a pretty powerful rig if you plan on hosting your own server. But what if you’re new to the game and don’t know which mods are actually worth playing? Well, you could go for a trial-and-error approach and try a bunch of modded servers until you find one you like or you could simply set up your own. In short, mods are an essential part of the Arma 3 experience and you can find many servers out there that support them. A prime example is PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, which popularized the Battle Royale genre as we know it today. Arma 3 has some of the best mods out there, a few of which went on to become standalone games. A lot of people would tell you that playing the game with mods is pretty much mandatory and they’re not wrong.

#Hosting arma 3 server simulator#

Arma 3 is arguably the best military simulator out there and offers a nearly endless amount of content thanks to its sandbox nature.Īn even bigger selling point of Arma 3 is its fantastic mod support. I didn’t really understand the hype for this game at first but after trying it out for myself, I definitely get why so many people are in love with it. A lot of FPS games try to depict modern warfare in a realistic manner but very few manage to do it as successfully as Arma 3.

Hosting arma 3 server