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After Julius Caesar was assassinated he was succeeded by Octavian who became the Emperor Augustus. This building program in Aphrodisias was instigated by Julius Zoilus who was born in Aphrodisias who became a slave of the great Julius Caesar. Excavations in 1962 revealed a lavish building program at the centre of Aphrodisias. Leading from the main north-east street of Aphrodisias is a fine Roman tetrapylon, a four way arch placed where streets crossed, built in 200AD. The freezes from the Temple Aphrodite, now in the Aphrodisias Museum, show the highly skilled sculptures that Aphrodisias became famous for in the Ancient world. Near Aphrodisias are rock deposits of fine white marble which in Hellenistic and Roman times was quarried and used to make fine white buildings and sculptures. Aphrodisias was named after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and the focal point of Aphrodisias was the temple of Aphrodite. Pictures images photos of Aphrodisias archaeological site, Anatolia Turkey & Images of its Roman relief sculptures.

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Visit our ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM PHOTO ANTIQUITIES COLLECTIONS for more photos to download or buy as prints Our pictures of the Aphrodisias Museum exhibits are exclusive to Funkystock Photo Library and can be dowloaded as stock photos or bought as prints on line (Property Rights The Trustees of the Aphrodisias Museum) The Aphrodisias Museum also houses Roman statues and Sarcophagi to complete its important collection. The highly accomplished bas relief depicting scenes from Roman mythology. The Aphrodisias Museum houses the almost complete Roman bas relief frieze from the temple of Aphrodite. Many examples of statuary have been unearthed in Aphrodisias, and some representations of the Aphrodite of Aphrodisias also survive from other parts of the Roman world. Aphrodisias was built near a marble quarry that was extensively exploited in the Hellenistic and Roman periods, and sculpture in marble from Aphrodisias became famous in the Roman world. The city grew to become an important Greek and later a Roman city. Originally found any the Ancient Greeks as a city of Magna Grecia, Aphrodisias was dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite (Roman Venus). Pictures of the art, artefacts & antiquities of Aphrodisias Museum, Turkey.

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